1) Fundamental Rights
The Company shall not take any actions that may infringe or deprive the rights of shareholders and shall encourage the exercise of fundamental right by its shareholders such as:
- Right to purchase, sale or transfer shares: The Company has appointed Thailand Securities Depository (TSD) to perform the duty as its securities registrar to provide convenience to shareholders regarding securities registration matters of the Company.
- Right to Receive Share of Profits: The Company allocated profits to shareholders in the form of dividends. The company shall pay dividends to all shareholders according to their shareholding proportion.
- The Right to Receive Adequate and Accurate Business Information In a Timely Manner
- Right to Attend Shareholders’ Meetings: Including the rights to express opinions, provided suggestions, inquire information and the rights to vote in various matters of the Company and etc.
2) Right to know important information
Every shareholder has the right to know information equally. The Company has disclosed up-to-date and adequate important business information to shareholders via the news channel of the SET, the Company’s website and the Company’s newsletter in both Thai and English, to provide the shareholders more channels to access the Company’s various important business information in a timely manner.
3) Right to Attend Shareholders’ Meetings and facilitate shareholders
The Company shall promote, encourage and facilitate its shareholders whether its major shareholders, minor shareholders, foreign shareholders and institutional shareholders, to participate in its shareholders’ meeting and exercise their rights in decision making of important matters of the Company.
- The Company has arranged the General Shareholders Meeting once a year within 4 months after the end of the fiscal year. In case of any urgent matters the Company might call an extraordinary shareholders meeting as necessary. The Board of Directors, Management, Auditors and Legal Advisor have attended the shareholders’ meeting to answer questions at the meeting.
- The Company shall facilitate the shareholders’ attendance by convening the shareholders’ meeting at a conveniently accessible venue, with a clear map enclosed with the notice, date and time of the meeting shall not be on holiday. Moreover, the Company has used barcode system for more accuracy and faster registration and voting process as well as allocate adequate time for the meeting.
- The shareholders shall receive the notice of meeting at least 7 days in advance (or within the applicable timeframe as prescribed by law) together with supporting documents that specifies the date, time and venue of the meeting. The notice shall also provide detailed agendas, each of which shall be accompanied by the Board of Directors’ opinion on such matter. Such practice is to ensure that all shareholders shall receive adequate information for decision making process in a timely manner. The shareholders can download the notice of the meeting and supporting document on the Company’s website, which available both Thai and English. Moreover, meeting schedule was published on the daily newspaper for at least 3 consecutive days and at least 3 days before the meeting date to announce the shareholders’ meeting.
- The Company shall not taking any actions that limits rights to attend shareholders’ meeting such as having registration officers ready 2 hours before the meeting and until the end of the meeting, not set inconvenient requirements to his/her appointment of proxy or gives right for shareholders who attend the meeting after the meeting starts to be able to vote for resolution for the meeting agenda that is in process of consideration and not yet to have votes or resolution.