Shareholder Meetings | Raimon Land
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2024 Download
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2024
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2024
Enclosures 1 Capital increase report form (F53-4)
Enclosures 2 Information Regarding the Issuance and Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares
Enclosures 3 Information on the Offering of Ordinary Shares to Increase Capital and Warrants to Purchase Ordinary Shares to Individuals within Limited Investors and Related Transactions
Enclosures 4 Summary of the Important Points of Issuing and Offering Warrants to Purchase Newly Issued Ordinary Shares
Enclosures 5 Summary of the Issuance and Offering of Warrants to Purchase Newly Issued Ordinary Shares
Enclosures 6 Details related to Requesting Waiver for Making a Tender Offer for all Securities of the Business Entity by a Resolution Passed at a Shareholder Meeting (Whitewash)
Enclosures 7 Resolution Letter Template for Shareholders Meeting to Approve the Issuance of New Securities Without Making a Tender Offer for All Securities of the Company
Enclosures 8 List of opinions of the Independent Financial Advisor on the request for an exemption from making a securities tender offer based on the shareholders' meeting resolution (Whitewash)
Enclosures 9 Profiles of Independent Directors for the Appointment as Proxy by the Shareholders and the Definition of Independent Directors
Enclosures 10 Articles of Association
Enclosures 11
Proxy A
Proxy B
Proxy C
Enclosures 12 Guidelines for attending of Electronic Meeting by Inventech Connect
Enclosures 13 Documents for attending the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2024 through electronic media and the appointment of proxy.
Enclosures 14 Form for the submission of questions prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2024 through Electronic Media (E-EGM)
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Download
Minutes of 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Enclosures 1 The 2023 Annual Registration Statements / Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report) and a copy of the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, which were audited by a certified public accountant in QR Code format
Enclosures 2 Profiles of the Candidates Nominated for Election as Directors to replace those who are due to retire by rotation.
Enclosures 3 Profiles of Independent Directors for the Appointment as Proxy by the Shareholders and the Definition of Independent Directors
Enclosures 4 Articles of Association of Raimon Land Public Company Limited Relating to the Shareholders Meeting
Enclosures 5
Proxy A (General Form)
Proxy B (Form with specific details)
Proxy C (For the shareholders who are specified in the register as foreign investor and has appointed a custodian in Thailand to be a share depository and keeper)
Enclosures 6 Guidelines for attending of Electronic Meeting by Inventech Connect
Enclosures 7 Documents for attending the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders through electronic media and the appointment of proxy.
Enclosures 8 Form for the submission of questions prior to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders through Electronic Media (E-AGM)