Organizational Governance, Human Rights, and Labor Practices
The Company is committed to good organizational governance, fair human rights and labor practices. The Company has stipulated code of conduct which is published on the Company's website: In addition, in order to promote the Company's staff to comply with code of conduct, the Company has provided employees with access to information via the Company's internal system called sharepoint.
Responsibility Towards Customers
The Company emphasizes on customers' benefits during the process of project concept design all the way through selection of construction materials (details of each project may vary) with key following points:
Ample common area and sufficient parking space for customers
Rigorous security system including elevator key card access and strict policy on external visitors
Design and construction materials which help reduce energy consumption and customers' energy-related expenses
Double glaze glass to prevent noise pollution
In addition, in the case of unpredictable events that render customers unable to affect a transfer, the Company, on case by case basis, has a policy to assist customers as followings:
- In the case of death or severe sickness, the Company will consider refunding some of the deposit payment to customers as see appropriate.
- In the case of sudden change in customers' financial position arising from abrupt unemployment or significant change in foreign exchange rate or there is a sudden change in customers' financial position, the Company will consider offering relief plan(s) to our customers as deem appropriate.

Environment Protection
The Company emphasizes environment protection during the process of project concept design all the way through selection of construction materials (details of each project may vary) with key following points:

Energy Conservation
- Double Glazing and/or additional Low E coating (solar barrier) – to reduced heat (lower A/C and electrical load) and noise gain
- Use of automatic control air conditioning systems that make use of chilled water to reduce energy usage and to be more environmentally-friendly
- Use of an electrical system that supports the use of LED light bulbs thus helping to save energy

Environment Preservation
- Re-cycling of 'grey' water from units to use for landscape irrigation or floor cleaning
- Implement of wastewater treatment system and retention pond before discharge to public water treatment pond
- Low water consumption bathroom/toilet fittings, example: 4 litres per minute rather than 6 liters/ minute, dual flush cisterns
- Using water pressure control system for watersaving and reduce water consumption.
- Salt water chlorination system for swimming pools to reduce pollution arising from chlorine purification
- Use of wood laminated materials in the construction work that help reduce the overall quantity of solid wood material and, thus, the number of tress that are felled. In the case of wood, forested (renewable) timber is used rather than rain forest timber
- Ceramic tile, using this product rather than natural stone or even timber
- Preservation of existing mature trees on projects, where possible
- Install EV charger for electronics car in the project's parking lot

Design Element
- Targets 50% of project's open area as green area and provides greeneries wherever possible such as green wall for carpark section of the building
- Considerate in design to reduce the impact on the surrounding communities by making complex 3D images and presented to surrounding communities to create understanding before requesting construction permission